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Another Justice is Possible. Scenarios for a New Era

30 May 2022. The Institute for Law and Society - INPRIS and the consortium focused on the TRIIAL project invite you on 9 June from 2 to 5 pm to the online conference "Another Justice is Possible. Scenarios for a New Era".

Every era has its challenges, but it seems that the recent period is particularly intense for the justice system. Violations of the rule of law in countries hitherto regarded as democratic, the dynamic development of technology triggered in part by a pandemic that literally shut down court buildings, or finally the unprecedented influx of refugees from war-torn Ukraine into Poland - this is just the summary of the last few years.

The ambition of the conference organisers (project TRIIAL) is to present at least a partial response to the above challenges. This will be achieved by accepting the invitation to give presentations by world-class academics and practitioners who deal with these issues on a daily basis in Poland and abroad.

We believe that a different kind of justice is possible - one that is legitimate, transparent, inclusive and responsive to the authentic needs of citizens. Join the event to find out that this is not a science-fiction scenario.

Register today.

Another Justice is Possible. Scenarios for the New Era

9th June, 14-17.00 CET 


Moderation: Krzysztof Izdebski

14.00-14.10: Welcome and introduction: Jarosław Gwizdak, INPRIS

14.10-14.30: Presentation of the National Report: Poland. The EU Law as a Shield: in the Judges and the Law We (Still?) Trust? Professor Tomasz Koncewicz, University of Gdańsk Principal Investigator TRIIAL, Member of the Council of Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe in Lausanne. 

14.30 - 14.45: Comments and Discussion.

14.45-15.00 Legal hospitality. Challenges for the judiciary and lawyers on the arrival of refugees from Ukraine. Regina Bondarenko, Kyiv Legal Hackers, Pravoman (in English)

15.00 - 15.10. Comments and Discussion

15.10 - 16.05: Outside the Courtroom. Arbitration and Legal Aid as Players in the Game of Judicial Independence.

15.10 - 15.30: Access to Legal Aid, Access to Justice. Dr hab. Jan Winczorek, Warsaw University

15.30 - 15.50: Escaping the Courtroom. Arbitration and Independence. dr Barbara Warwas, The Hague University 

15.50 - 16.05: Comments and Discussion

16.05 - 17.00:  Towards a New Era. A More Inclusive and Digitally Developed Judiciary. 

16.05 - 16.25: "The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in litigation". Dr Jarosław Greser, University of Poznań

16.25 - 16.45: The virtual courtroom - an exemplary reference model. Maciej Broniarz Warsaw University

16.40 - 17.00: Comments and Discussion


This project is funded by the European Union's Justice Programme (2014-2020), under G.A. no. 853832.