INPRIS - Institute for Law and Society is a foundation registered in Poland in 2009. We are an independent, non-partisan think tank focused on law. We care about the quality of law and governance in Poland. Our mission is wrapped around ten concepts.
We like science as a tool for social progress.
Practical Wisdom
We like to draw inspiration from practical wisdom, and use it as well it for a check on law, regulation and science. We admire the art of efficiency and flexibility in real life decisions involving law, also finding smart and fair exceptions to rules.
Power of the Citizens
We are happy to give a hand when social energy can improve law and governance. We participate in projects aimed at monitoring of public institutions, draft recommendations for them and consult.
Interdisciplinary Approach
We stand for combining legal research with application of social sciences, psychology, economics, information science.
Information Technology
Electronic tools for communication, aggregation of information, and cooperation will exercise significant and good influence on the quality of discussion about law, research, law making, application of law, legal education and research.
Empirical Research
Empirical data makes grounds for good law. We are holding thumbs for progress of empirical methods for analysis of law in Poland: sociology, psychology, economics of law. Whenever possible, legislative proposals should take into account and show evidence based in empirical data.
Comparative Analysis
We are looking for inspiration as regards law and its institutions in other countries, and we are happy to share Polish know-how.
Communication and Presentation
Legal education, textbooks, research, journalism about law, public discussion can benefit from a new look at the form of presentation. It is possible to adjust the language of communication about law to the needs of the audience. It's not a shame to talk about law in a comprehensible manner. Lawyers and graphic artists can teach each other about presentation of legal problems by means of infographics: mind-maps, charts and other visualisation tools. Information technology allows for creating dynamic, interactive, user-friendly models of legal and social problems.
Education as Reform of the Law
We think of legal education as the future practice of law. We believe the way of teaching will transform the law, so our interest lies not only in the content but in the method. We like to support innovative and experimental methods that can supplement the lectures: international programs, clinics, incubators, interdisciplinary projects, labs, simulations, training of practical skills: negotiation, mediation, rhetorical skills, research with participation of students.
We put a high value on the opportunity to work with public and private institutions, but we remain intellectually and administratively independent. INPRIS is not affiliated with any political group, and does not aspire to become associated. The same principle applies to our relations with law firms and other businesses. We do not speak for anyone. We say and write only what we consider right, no matter with whom we are cooperating or who supports us.