8-9 December 2017. The First Congress on Civil Rights took place in Warsaw, in the museum POLIN, organized by Ombud and ODIHR office
21 November 2017. 28 NGOs of various backgrounds and agendas: "We, as representatives of a civic society, hereby raise our objections to the amendments being prepared to the Acts on the National Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court."
INPRIS has published Country Reports and Comparative Report as part of the project dedicated to the cooperation of Legal Think Tanks and Governments
13 October 2017. Polish Supreme Court comments on the presidential draft of the Act on the Supreme Court (English version).
5 October 2017. “How Legal Think Tanks provide, or fail to provide, knowledge to governments in Central and Eastern Europe” - is the new policy paper by INPRIS.
29 May 2017. LEX SUPER OMNIA, an association of 150 prosecutors expressed strong opposition to the current role and governance of the prosecution service in Poland. INPRIS translated the document from Polish.
The new publication 'NGOs and the judiciary – watch dog activities,
interactions, collaboration, communication' (eds. Łukasz Bojarski i Ewelina Tylec) is now available.
30 May 2016. In the framework of the project ‘NGOs and the Judiciary’ three partner organizations from the Balkans conducted country workshops in order to present the outcomes of the project and to provide a platform for discussion on the local level.
30 May 2016. We are pleased to share with you Country Reports drafted in the framework of the project ‘NGOs and the Judiciary’ ,