25 July 2012. INPRIS prepared the report and policy paper concerning the current state of legal education in Poland. The report was prepared by dr Dagmara Woźniakowska – Fajst in cooperation with Monika Stec and Joanna Śliwa.
7 July 2012. The other day I asked an American colleague about the results for Poland in an international survey of constitutional law. It turns out, the survey doesn’t look at Poland. Reason: Poland is not on the list of “Full Democracies” in the Democracy Index 2011 published by the Economist Intelligence Unit.
29 June 2012. Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the core provisions of the Health Care Law.
6 June 2012. Thirty-six minutes is the reaction time of the Polish Supreme Court to reply to the request for public information, and send the text of a recent opinion.
20-21 April 2012. The Polish Association of Law & Economics offers the third annual Conference in Warsaw. Like last year, the Conference is organized in co-operation with INPRIS.
3 April 2012. INPRIS develops cooperation with the ePaństwo Foundation, which is responsible for the development of the sejmometr.pl website. INPRIS and ePaństwo attempt to create a graphical presentation of the Polish legislative process. INPRIS’ involvement results from the realization of the grant received from the CEE Trust.
31 March 2012. Holda Association is offering the first ever Polish moot court on constitutional law. The moot court will simulate proceedings before the Polish Constitutional Tribunal. Some members of INPRIS (Agata, Katarzyna, Filip) have been involved in the preparation of the moot.
16 March 2012. We have received the opinion of the Warsaw Appellate Court.
15 March 2012. What is a great topic for game that teaches hight school students about the legislative process? Internet piracy, drugs, GMOs, school holidays? What would YOU suggest as the topic of the law that students should explore in the game?