Slovak Open Society Foundation (Nadacia Otvorenej Spolocnosti) has recently released a report „The Slovak Judiciary: Its current state and challenges”, prepared by foreign experts Mr Lukasz Bojarski (a board member of INPRIS – Institute for Law and Society Society) and Mr Werner S. Koster (a Dutch judge).
22 December 2011. For you and for us!
2 December 2011. INPRIS works on tools to support the social participation in the legislative process. The project is financed by the CEE Trust. Today we launched a new website of the project.
1 December 2011. The following text addresses the proposal to establish the Quality of Law Tribunal which was outlined by Filip Wejman on 18 November 2011. Text provides initial comments and thoughts.
18 November 2011. Seminar on monitoring the quality of law at the Chancellery of the President of Poland. Our expert, Otylia Trzaskalska-Stroińska, director for business regulation at the Ministry of Economy and Grzegorz Wiaderek, President of INPRIS, delivered opening comments. Discussion followed. One of the ideas was to set up a Quality of Law Tribunal.
9-11 November 2011. World Forum on Governance in Prague.
1 November 2011. "The Odd Clauses" by Jay Wexler is out.
12 August 2011. Today the Warsaw Regional Court might hand down a decision on the recognition of the U.S. judgment in Harlan & Cimoszewicz v. Wprost et. al.
22 July 2011. INPRIS - Institute for Law and Society and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights offer an educational event