Waldemar Florczak
Ph.D. and habilitation in economics, professor in the Institute of Economy and Management of the Jagiellonian University, Poland; head of the Department of Socio-Economic Analyses.
Professional interests of Waldemar Florczak cover modeling, forecasting and simulating economic processes by means of national economy macroeconometric models, issues related to sustainable and endogenous development and interlinks between various socio-economic and demographic phenomena, as well as law and economics problems. Waldemar Florczak is an author or co-author of 8 books/handbooks and of over 150 learned articles / book chapters.
The author headed three individual scientific grants under the auspices of the Polish Ministry of Science and participated as a main contractor / contractor in numerous domestic and international grants. For his collective scientific contribution in monograph "Gospodarka Polski w okresie transformacji" (Polish Economy in Transformation) he was awarded the Fryderyk Skarbek Prize by the Polish Academy of Sciences, whereas for the monograph "Ekonometryczny model wzrostu gospodarczego" (Econometric Model of Economic Growth) – the collective prize by the Minister of National Education. He was also four times awarded by the Rector of the University of Lodz.
At INPRIS he is an expert in the field of economics and quantitative issues in the systemic project: “Developing comprehensive and sustainable support mechanisms for legal advice and civil society in Poland”.