Filip Wejman

Member of the Supervisory Board and Co-founder of INPRIS.

Attorney at law, graduate of the Jagiellonian University Law School (Master of Law), Harvard Law School (LL.M.), and the German Law Program (certificate offered by Universities of Heidelberg and Mainz at the Jagiellonian University).

In 1999-2010 Filip managed, since its inception, the School of American Law at the Jagiellonian University.

Filip is admitted to the Cracow bar as an attorney. He has experience in complex, high value business litigation and transactions, and in pro bono cases.


  • Senior Researcher at the University of Bielefeld, Germany collaborating with the Acquis Group as a member of the editing team for the Acquis Principles
  • Assistant, Chair of Civil Law at the Jagiellonian University
  • Teaching Assistant at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, taught at the Harvard Extension School
  • Member and of the Editorial Board and co-founder of a law journal, Transformacje Prawa Prywatnego (2000-2011)
  • Member of the Management Board, Legal Clinics Foundation (2002-2014)

Areas of interest: general questions of private law, commercial law, e-commerce, information & law, empirical methods of analysis of law, legal profession and education of lawyers.

Memberships in other boards:

Filip is the co-author (with Adam Bodnar and Lukasz Bojarski) of a draft for the reform of the legal profession in Poland, see: Nowa Adwokatura.  

See: Selected Publications

Contact: filip.wejman at