INPRIS works on tools to support the social participation in the legislative process. The project is financed by the CEE Trust


The objective pursued by INPRIS is to increase public participation in lawmaking and improve its quality. We plan to design and build a set of tools that will easily convey knowledge about the legislative process, and tools that will show how this knowledge can be practically exploited.

The project is an attempt to present knowledge, which until now appeared inaccessible, in an attractive manner. Presented knowledge will be supplemented with tools showing its practical aspect.

The legislative process in Poland is complicated. Additionally, information on its merits is presented in an hermetic, unapproachable language. Thus, the unavailability of information which would be easy to apprehend is a barrier to the widespread interest in the lawmaking and social participation in that process.

We believe that the raise of public interest in the legislative process is a key element in improving its quality. We intend to increase public interest in the legislative process by presenting when high-quality knowledge in an accessible manner, along with tools that explain its practical application.


Legislative Game
The Game is intended for students who just became eligible to vote. The goal is to increase understanding of the role that citizens can play in the legislative process. The game is prepared in cooperation with the Pracownia Gier Szkoleniowych.

Read more about the game.

Infographics Kit
Graphics will convey high-quality information on the nuts and bolts of the legislative process in an accessible way. Additionally, those will comprise information on the impact of enacted laws.

Read more about Infographics Kit