The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - a new project of INPRIS
1 February 2013. A two-year project „Making the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights a Living Instrument” co-financed by the European Commission started in January.
Overall objective of the project is to enhance the practical implications of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights at the national level - to make it living instrument. The project involves among others: research, development of training and information materials, trainings for judges, lawyers and non-governmental organizations.
Apart from INPRIS the following partners take part in the project: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (Vienna), Instituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali (CNR-ISGI) oraz Universita Statale di Milano – Facolta di Giurisprudenza (UNIMI).
The first project meeting (January 30-31) took place in Vienna. During the meeting participants planned further actions. INPRIS was represented by Lukasz Bojarski (member of the INPRIS Management Board).
INPRIS will soon place more information about the project on its website.