INPRIS is a legal think tank

Legal think tanks and government – new project of INPRIS

20 August 2015. We are pleased to announce that INPRIS with partner organizations received funding from the International Visegrad Fund for the project "Legal think tanks and government - capacity building".

The aim of the project is to exchange experiences between legal think tanks in the Visegrad Group and Eastern Partnership countries. Project’s objectives include:

- establishing non-formal network of legal think tanks that will encourage participating organization to exchange ideas, experience and expertise in area of democracy;

- creating policy paper and “good practices guidelines” devoted for both legal think tanks and governments;

- establishing a connection between the stakeholders both in the NGO sector and in the government.

In our opinion in both Visegrad and EaP countries, legal think tanks have crucial role to play in shaping democratic and open society. The challenge is the lack of understanding from governments that legal think tanks can be useful and lack of resources and know-how on think tanks side. We believe that good “evidence based” analysis, offered by legal think tanks is crucial in the process of creating good law, but still in the region such an approach is neglected.

Expected outputs of the project include:

- country reports and comparative report on the situation of legal think tanks in the region,

- policy paper on good practices of cooperation between legal think tanks and governments, being a guidelines on how to shape and use such a cooperation,

- dissemination of knowledge about effective methods and activities of think-tanks. 

The project shall begin, after necessary arrangements, in October 2015. For more information please follow the site of the project.